The Shocking Example Of A Widow

July 23, 2023 Preacher: Rick Applegate Series: Stand-Alone Messages

Topic: Prayer Scripture: Luke 18:1–8

The Shocking Example of a Widow

Text:  Luke 18:1-8 

Focus PointWe should be persistent in prayer and never lose heart BECAUSE of who God is.

The Judge & The Widow

3 “P’s” About Judges

P - Prestige

P - Power

 - Prosperity

2  Specific  Things  About  This  Judge

  1. Did not fear God.
  1. Did not respect man.

3 “P’s” About Widows

P – Place (humility)

P – Powerless 

P – Poor  

3 Ways To Get A Favorable Ruling

  1. Bribe the judge.
  1. Threaten the Judge.
  1. Persist in pleading your case.

 Phone Tower in Your Back Yard

You come home to find a cellphone tower in your back yard. City Commission passed a law allowing it. Your only recourse is to petition the City until they agree to take the tower down.

The Widow & The Elect

How Do We Identify with the Widow?Status – 3 things

  1. We are in a humble state (in and of ourselves).
  1. We are weak and powerless (in and of ourselves).
  1. We are spiritually bankrupt (in and of ourselves).
  1. Activity – 1 Thing

We are to be persistent 

-1st bit of irony

Jewish people did not pray more than 3x a day. They feared it would be seen as pestering God. Jesus is teaching the opposite.

  1. Attitude – 1 Thing

Do not lose heart in your prayers!

The Judge & God

Comparison – 2 Ways They are Alike

  1. Both have all the power.
  1. Both answer petitions.

Contrast – 3 Ways They are Not Alike


  1. Judge is unholy – God is holy. 
  1. Judge is indifferent to his reputation – God does care about His reputation. 
  1. Judge does not care about people – God does care for His people.


  1. God is holy.
  1. God does care about His reputation.
  1. God does care for His people.

God - Biggest Components of Irony

  1. HOW MUCH MORE will God answer our prayers!
  1. BECAUSE of who He is!

The Judge & God (cont’d)


Three answers to prayer:

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Wait

The Warning

The Issue of Justice

When Jesus returns, what will be the attitude on earth towards Him concerning prayer and justice?

 We pray because something is wrong.


Outside of Jesus, God’s wrath for all your sins and injustices will be dealt with. You will spend eternity under His wrath, separated from him.


All injustices from unbelievers towards you and others, will be dealt with, God will make all things right. 

For all injustices committed against you by other believers, have already been dealt with, punished, paid for on the Cross when Jesus received the penalty for their sins, just like He received the penalty for your sins!


  • Are you being persistent in prayer?
  • Have you lost heart in your prayers?
  • What causes/caused you to stop praying or lose heart?
  • What things do you pray for?
  • What things are worth fighting for in prayer?
  • Do you view God as being reluctant to answer your prayers?  Why or why not?

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