None Greater - Week 4
November 19, 2023 Preacher: Phil Courson Series: None Greater-The Undomesticated Attributes Of God
Topic: God's Omnipresence Scripture: Psalm 139:7–12
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None Greater
Sunday, November 19 th 2023
Psalm 139:7-12
"The notion that there is a God but that he is comfortably far away is not embodied in
the doctrinal statement of any Christian church." AW Tozer
God is Present Everywhere, and it should bring Comfort and Conviction to Us
I. God is Present Everywhere
Omnipresence – “God does not have size or spatial dimensions and is present at every
point of space with his whole being, yet God acts differently in different places.” Grudem
"This is the fundamental thing, the most serious thing of all, that we are always in the
presence of God." DM Lloyd-Jones
You can ignore God, but you cannot get away from God! You can’t hide from Him, nor
can you run from Him! (Adam in the garden, Jonah in Nineveh)
“God, because infinite, fills all, yet so as not to be contained in them. He is from the
height of the heavens to the bottom of the deeps, in every point of the world, and in the
whole circle of it, yet not limited by it but beyond it.” Stephen Charnock
We are not talking about pantheism. A pantheist believes that everything is God, or
that God is everything that exists. Omnipresence is that God is present everywhere in
his creation, but that he is also distinct from his creation.
II. Comfort and Conviction to Us
God's omnipresence is a comforting truth. If God is everywhere, then we know He is
never far away and can come quickly to our aid.
Because He is present everywhere, we can know that He is acting in each and every
place according to His holy will for our good and to achieve His purposes.
The prophets during Jeremiah’s time thought that their words and thoughts are hidden
from God. God responds to Jeremiah, “Am I a God at hand, that I cannot see him,
declares the Lord, and not a God far away? Can a man hide himself in secret places so
that I cannot see him?” declares the Lord. Do I not fill heaven and earth?” declares
the Lord?” Jeremiah 23:23-24
More in None Greater-The Undomesticated Attributes Of God
November 12, 2023
None Greater-Week 3November 5, 2023
None Greater-Week 2October 29, 2023
None Greater - Week 1