Contagious Joy-Week 4
September 24, 2023 Preacher: Phil Courson Series: Contagious Joy
Topic: Joy Scripture: Philippians 2:12–30
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Contagious Joy
Sunday, September 24, 2023
Philippians 2:12-30
God works in us, so we can be obedient children ready to be used
- Christian Living (v.12-18)
‘Therefore’ – refers to previous verses (v.5-11) and Christ as our example.
‘My beloved’ – speaks of Paul’s affection for the Philippians
‘…as you have always obeyed…” – reflects back to Jesus ‘by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.”
- for their ‘own salvation’ evidenced by their obedience (v.12-13)
“work out your own salvation…”
Paul teaches throughout the scripture that ‘faith in Christ’ is expressed through ‘obedience to Christ.’ But this is not about following rules or regulation, but of being completely devoted to him.
‘…with fear and trembling’
“This is not the fear of a lost sinner before the Holy One, but the fear of a true child before the most loving of all fathers; not what he might do to us, but of the hurt we might do to him.” A. Moyter
Our responsibility is our response to God’s ability!
“…it is God who works in you…”
Paul wants to avoid any confusion and places the activity directly back to God.
Our work as obedient children comes from the internal work of God in us!
“His is the basic activity; ours responds to what he is doing. His is the inner work of transformation and renewal; our obedience to him is how we enter into the benefit of his indwelling.” A Moyter
“…both to will and to work for his good pleasure.”
Even the desire (to will) to do what is good comes from God; but he also works in the believer (or us) to generate actual choices of the good, so that the desires result in actions.
- for their evangelism – taking the gospel into the world (v.14-18)
“Do all things without grumbling or questioning, that you may be blameless and innocent children of God.”
Paul is encouraging the Philippians not to grumble or complain about anything. It is a direct assault on the sovereignty of God.
‘blameless’ – moral integrity as seen by others
‘innocent’ – inward moral integrity
‘crooked and twisted generation’ – referring to Israel in the wilderness - Deut 32:5
‘whom you shine as lights in the world’ – the gospel through our testimony!
Those who live this way will be raised to eternal life to Paul’s great joy!
- Christian Examples (v.19-30)
Timothy (v.19-24) - “Paul’s desire to send his protégé Timothy highlights the very personal nature of early church life. Timothy emulates Christ in that he is concerned for the Philippians welfare; he does not look out for his own interests, but for those of Christ.” ESV Study Bible
Epaphroditus (v.25-30) - “The Christlikeness of Epaphroditus is highlighted by Paul’s careful use of words... Epaphroditus had faced this peril on behalf of the Philippians, who had desired to send gifts to support Paul but had not been able to do so until he made it possible.” ESV Study Bible
III. Conclusion
God works in us, so we can be obedient children ready to be used
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