Contagious Joy-Week 2
September 10, 2023 Preacher: Phil Courson Series: Contagious Joy
Topic: Joy Scripture: Philippians 1:12–30
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Contagious Joy
Book of Philippians
Sunday, September 10 th , 2023
Philippians 1:12-30
God will use every opportunity – good or bad –
to spread the message of Jesus
I. Suffering for the Advance of the Gospel (v.12-18)
“…has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel…”
In Prison: (Romans 8:28 in Philippians)
Imperial Guard; All the Rest (Captors)
Outside Prison:
Brothers have become confident in the Lord
Bolder to speak the word w/o fear
“How does God’s grace engage your sufferings? We may know the right answer.
And yet we don’t know it. It is a hard answer. But we make it sound like a pat
answer. God sets about a long slow answering. But we try to make it a quick fix.
His answer insists on being lived out over time and into the particulars. We act as
if just saying the right words makes it so. God’s answer insists on changing you
into a different kind of person. But we act as if some truth, principle, strategy, or
perspective might simply be incorporated into who we already are. God
personalizes his answer on hearts with an uncanny flexibility. But we turn it into a
formula: “If you just believe______. If you just do ______. If you just remember
____.” No important truth ever contains the word just in the punch line.” Powlison
Paul has an unshakeable confidence in the character of God!
II. Courage for the Advance of the Gospel (v.19-26)
Courageous Praying:
Prayers of the Philippians
Help of the Holy Spirit
Courageous Living:
Die - see Christ
Live – God is honored in his body
Live – Fruitful labor for me
Courageous Faith:
Paul is “convinced of this”
“Progress in the faith”
“Joy in the faith”
III. Living for the Advance of the Gospel (v.27-30)
“Manner of Life be worthy of the gospel of Jesus Christ:”
Striving side by side for the faith of the gospel
Not frightened by opponents
Believe in Christ
Suffer for Christ
IV. Conclusion
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