Home: The Importance of the Local Church-Week 2

August 6, 2023 Preacher: Phil Courson Series: Home: The Local Church

Home: The Importance of the Local Church

August 6, 2023

Acts 2:42-47

Abundant Grace should demonstrate
NT characteristics in the life of the Church today

I. It was a Learning Church (.v42a)
v.42 “…they devoted themselves to the apostles teaching”
The 3000 new believers were committed to the apostle’s teaching. They were not
just seeking some spiritual experience.
Colossians 3:16 – “Let the word of God dwell in your richly, teaching and
admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual
songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.”
1 Peter 2:2 – “Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual mild, that by it you
may grow up into salvation – if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is good.”
Where the Spirit of God reigns, a love for God’s Word reigns!
“The Spirit of God leads the people of God to submit to the Word of God.” J Stott
Do we hunger for the Word of God? What we believe will determine how we live!

II. It was a Loving Church (v.42b-45)
v.42 …to the fellowship…(koinonia)
This word in the Greek expresses what we share together – God himself and
what we share out together, what we give as well as what we receive.
Our first priority is to have fellowship with God and then out of a natural overflow
we will fellowship with one another.
1 John 1:3 – “…that which we have seen and heard we proclaim also to you, so
that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the
Father and with his Son Jesus Christ.”
v.44 The early church shared among themselves.
Koinonia expresses itself through giving. Giving of yourself and your resources. It
is sacrificing!

III. It was a Worshipping Church (v.46-47a)
They were not only caring for one another, but also having corporate fellowship
as well.
The early church’s worship was not only formal, but informal as well. They
continued in the temple, but also went from house to house.
We don’t want to be meeting oriented, but relationally oriented.

IV. It was an Evangelistic Church (v.47b)
v. 47 …and the Lord added to their number…saved.
First, we must make it clear that it is the Lord that saves people, not us. Just as
God used the disciples and the new converts to share the gospel, he uses us the
same way.
Acts 18:9-11 & Romans 10:14
“pray also for us, that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the
mystery of Christ” Colossians 4:3
Inviting people to church on Sundays or our Community Luncheons!