Home: The Family - Wk 4

November 28, 2021 Preacher: Phil Courson Series: Home

Topic: Family Scripture: Ephesians 6:10–22

Ephesians 6:10-22



“There can be no sound theology without a sound demonology.” Dr. Berkouwer


We are in a spiritual battle daily for our families and we need to be aware of it


  1. The Battle (v.10-12)

The reason for them to be strong is because they are in an ongoing spiritual battle with the powers of darkness.

v.3:16 – “you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit…”


The reason for wearing this armor is so that the Christian will ‘stand.’

Stand against the schemes of the devil (v.11), with stand in the evil day (v.13), stand firm (v.13) and stand therefore (v.14). 4x used, why?


The Apostle Paul wants us to be immovable and unshaken by the enemies attacks. He also could be concerned with unstable Christians; those who have no firm foundation and fall prey to the schemes of the devil.


Struggle/Wrestle -

We are not wrestling against flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces which war against us. We must see everything in life in light of a spiritual battle.


  1. God’s Armor (v.13-17)

Paul uses six pieces of armor that we are to put on and each of them equips us to fight against these principalities and powers.


  1. Belt of Truth
  2. Breastplate of Righteousness –full body armor – no back may not be accurate
  3. Shoes for the gospel of Peace
  4. Shield of Faith
  5. Helmet of Salvation
  6. Sword of the Spirit (Word of God) – not logos but rhema – spoken word


“In their warfare with the powers of darkness, they are to take hold of the word of God, the gospel and to proclaim it in the power of the Spirit…What is in view here is not some ad hoc word addressed to Satan, as though what we speak against him will defeat him. Rather, it is the faithful speaking forth of the gospel in the realm of darkness, so that men and women held by Satan might hear this liberating and life-giving word and be freed from his grasp.” PT O’Brien



III.. Powerful Prayer (v.18-20)

The Apostle Paul continues to wants to show how important prayer and being alert play in the life of a believer. He definitely desires to associate the empowering of the Spirit with one’s praying as well.


“all” used 4x here

“For Paul, the concern was not only that they be clothed with the armor that Christ provides in the gospel, but that they take the enemy on by Spirit-empowered proclamation and by Spirit-inspired praying. The context is that of conflict, warfare against ‘the prince of darkness grim”: only “praying in the Spirit” will suffice in such conflict.” G. Fee


Paul wants the Ephesians to pray for two things:

  1. He wants them to pray in the Spirit for all the saints so that they will keep alert and persevere through the attacks of the enemy.
  2. He wants them to pray in the Spirit for Paul as well so that God will give him the grace to boldly proclaim the mystery of the gospel.


  1. Conclusion

This week on Wednesday use for a day or meal of fasting for your family and marriage

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